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Healthy Recipes

8 Amazing Things You Can Do With Avocado That You Probably Never Heard Of

Avocado is the ingredient that gains popularity throughout the years. This fruit contains healthy fats, it is very useful for our body, and it can be very tasty.

We bring you some useful tips how you can use avocados for different things.

What You Can Do With Avocados


From avocados, you can make a healthier version of favorite sandwich spreads that contain unhealthy fats and additives found in most commercial brands. Mayonnaise from avocado and basil can be a great spread for your sandwiches. Simply mix the meat of one avocado, add a little bit of olive oil and spices that you want.

Baby food

Avocado is an excellent transitional food for small babies older than 4 months. Although it is fruit, it counts as a green vegetable and is suitable for babies. To make porridge, simply pull the avocado meat, and then add half a cup of milk or water.


To make a simple cream that, is not based on dairy products, you will need the following ingredients:

  • One avocado (just the meat)
  • One teaspoon stevia powder
  • Half cup organic almond milk
  • Two teaspoons vanilla extract

Put these ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until you get a creamy and smooth texture.

Ice cream

From avocados, you can make a wonderful creamy but healthy ice cream. You will need one avocado (peeled), two bananas, and sweetener of your choosing.  Put the ingredients in a food processor and blend. Then, place the ice cream in the freezer and leave it overnight to tighten. In the morning remove it from the fridge and enjoy!

For hair and skin

Avocado can be a great hydrating agent for your skin and hair. What you need to do is: mix 2 tablespoons of castor and avocado oil. Then, heat them a little on the stove and then apply on damp hair. Leave this treatment overnight and wash in the morning.

Breath freshener

The dense and creamy texture of avocados can cleanse your mouth when you chew it, and enzymes released from avocados can help digestion.

Sooth sunburns

This summer, if you are inclined to burn in the sun, always have an avocado, because it can accelerate the healing process and alleviate pain. Simply take a little piece of avocado mesh it and apply it to the affected area.

Shaving cream

If you have not yet found a shaving cream that fully suits you for this purpose, you can use avocado. Just scoop the avocado meat and apply it on your legs. It will protect the skin you are shaving and nourish it.

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