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Natural Remedies

8 Effective Home Remedies for Boils on Inner Thighs and Buttocks

In this article we will present you with 8 amazing DIY solutions for inner thighs and buttock boils. Boils and abscesses are skin issues that appear in the shape of red, pus-filled bumps that develop beneath the skin. They inflict pain and occur as a result of bacteria-infested hair follicles. They start off small, but grow into big and agonizing nodules.

Boils usually develop on the face, neck, shoulders, armpits, and but cheeks. You are in no way to squeeze them since, if not drained well, it might infect the surrounding areas or spread the infection further into the skin.

Some of the Main Causes of Heat Boils are:

• Nutrient deficiency
• Poor immune system
• Bad hygiene
• Tight clothing
• Excessive alcohol consumption
• Dehydration

Here are  some of the alternative home remedies:

1. Turmeric powder

Turmeric powder contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components and purifies the blood; it rapidly eliminates boils.

You can consume turmeric powder, or apply it on the affected areas.

• Boil a glass of milk and mix 1 tsp of turmeric powder in it. Consume this two times a day for 4-5 days. Sweeten with some honey.
• Combine turmeric with water to create a paste-like mixture, and apply it topically at least two times a day.

2. Epsom salt:

Epsom salt offers various health advantages. It can dry out the boil pus, making them drain and vanish.

• Mix Epsom salt with lukewarm water, spread it topically, and leave it for a half an hour.
• Do this twice per day until you start seeing effects.

3. Black Seed:

One more famous natural solution for boils is the black seed which contains a great deal of medicinal components known for providing immediate relief from the boils-caused pain.

• Grind a couple of black seeds until you get a paste-like form and spread it topically.
• For optimal results, pour some black seed oil in a cup of boiled water. Consume the solution two times a day for a couple of weeks.

4. Garlic:

Thanks to its antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components, garlic has many versatile uses , such as treating boils and abscesses. Garlic has is known for treating skin ailments and this solution will provide you with effects fast if you use it regularly. By consuming 2-3 raw garlic cloves per day for optimal results.

• Prepare a paste-like mixture from 2-3 fresh garlic cloves and spread it topically. Let it take effect for 15 minutes and rinse it off with some lukewarm water
• Boil a garlic clove and rub it against the boil for around 20 minutes. Practice this 2-3 times per day.

5. Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil has potent antibacterial and antiseptic components which can help cure the bacterial infection and relieve you from the pain inflicted by skin abscesses and boils if used regularly. Never apply, tea tree oil concentrate, but dilute it first and then spread it straight on the affected area.

• Combine 5 tea tree oil drops with 1 tsp of coconut or olive oil
• Soak a cotton swab in some diluted tea tree oil and hold it on the affected areas 2-3 times a day.
• Perform this couple of times per day for a few days until the boil has been eliminated.

6. Castor oil:

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid a compound that has natural anti-inflammatory components. This, together with its potent antibacterial components, makes it an efficient natural solution for boils.

• Spread a tiny amount of castor oil straight on the boil.
• Repeat this a minimum of three times per day before the boil has vanished.

7. Neem:

Neem, otherwise known as Indian lilac, is rich in antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial components that help remove boils and a lot of different kinds of skin infections.

• Grind a couple of fresh neem leaves until you get a paste-like mixture and spread it topically.
• Boil neem leaves in water and once you remove the leaves, wash the boils with the water.
• To cure the boils repeat the procedure 3-4 times per day.

8. Onion:

Everyone has them in their kitchen and they contain antiseptic properties that act as an efficient antimicrobial once used for skin issues, boils included.

• Slice up an onion and apply the slices on the affected areas
• Secure it with some type of cloth and leave it take effect for 1 hour
• Repeat this twice per daily to get the job done

If you want to find more natural remedies, take a look at the Everyday Root Book!

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