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13 Foods You Can Buy Once & Regrow Forever

There are many fruits and vegetables that can be replanted. You can ensure yourself that you have them on hand when you want them, at the same time cutting back your money spent on produce each week.

Grocery prices are increasing all the time, which makes it the perfect time to get frugal in your kitchen and garden.

You can buy these fruits, veggies, and herbs all at once, and regrow them forever! Take a look:

1. Regrow Green Onions

Growing green onions forever is extremely easy. This is all you have to do: place a lot of scallions with their roots into a glass full of water and put the glass in a sunny spot like a window. Cut off what you need to use for cooking, and your green onions will literally regrow almost overnight, magically!

2. Regrow Onions

This is a really clever way of growing onions – you’ll use an old water bottle on a windowsill. First, get an empty water bottle. Then, remove the neck of the bottle using scissors, and then poke holes around it. Remember that  the holes should be the right size for the onion bulbs. Then, fill the bottle with layers of onion sprouts and soil, and continue adding layers until you get to the top. Next, add water and then place the bottle on a windowsill. All you have to do now  is watch your onions grow.

3. Regrow Carrots

This method is one of the most common methods of growing food, usually gardeners involve their kids because it is really fun! It’s not only educational, but the instant results you’ll get will get them excited about growing more. You need to know that this method doesn’t grow carrots from carrots, they’re grown from the plant rather than the root vegetable. If your children are helping, explain to them before starting the project – you don’t want them thinking carrots can be grown from carrots as who knows how fast that misinformation would spread.

You can grow your carrots in water by cutting the tops off of a carrot you bought.  You’ll need about an inch of the root. Stick a toothpick into either side of the stump and then balance it on top of a glass – using an old, small glass. Then, fill your glass with water, allow it to barely touch the bottom edge of the stump. Place it in an area that gets sunlight, adding water when necessary so that it continues to touch the edge. You’ll see green sprouts in the top of the carrot within a week.

4. Regrow Celery

This one is really simple as well. All you have to do is chop celery stalks from the base of celery you’ve purchased from the supermarket and use it like you normally would. Instead of tossing the base out, rinse it off and put it into a small bowl of warm water on a sunny windowsill. Remember to face down the base side, while the cut stalks face upright. You’ll need to change out the water every couple of days, and use a spray bottle to water the base of the celery where the leaves are growing out.

Let the base sit in the water for a week or so, and after this, you’ll notice the surrounding stalks starting to dry out a little bit, but the little yellow leaves at the center of the base should begin to thicken, grow up and out from the center, and turn a dark green color. After a week has passed, you can transfer your celery base to a planter and cover it up.

5. Regrow Sweet Potatoes

The versatility of the sweet potato makes it a firm favorite with any home cook.  Start out with a firm, healthy, organic sweet potato – if it’s starting to sprout, all the better as that gives you a head start. Place your sweet potato into a jar of water, immersing most of it in, but allowing a couple inches to be above water. Make sure you change your water out occasionally to prevent molding. Place your jar with the sweet potato into an area that gets sunlight, and before you know it, you’ll start seeing sprouts. When the sprouts are four to five inches long, pull them off the sweet potato, which will grow more sprouts. Place the sprouts in water – you can use the same jar.

When the sprout is well rooted, plant it in a hill of soil that’s about ten inches high. Water your plant while the roots are being established and be aware that it will take several months of growing time before the first frost to form tubers.

6. Regrow Leeks

This one is extremely easy too. Place a bunch of leeks with their roots downwards in a shallow glass container that’s filled with water. Cut off what you need to use in your kitchen for now, and leave the rest in the glass. Place the glass on a sunny windowsill, and occasionally change the water while the leeks begin to regrow themselves. That’s all there is to it!

7. Regrow Bok Choy

Like re-growing celery, all you have to do is chop us the bok choy you plan to cook with from the base, and then place it face up in a small bowl of warm water.  In a couple of weeks, you can transfer it to a container of its own and continue growing it in soil.

8. Regrow Avocado

Re-growing avocado is not that easy. While the instructions are easy to follow, it requires both toothpicks and patience. Getting more avocados out of it is not guaranteed, but does happen. For better chances of success, try 2 or 3 pits at once.

After you’ve scooped out your pits and have used up the avocado flesh, rinse the pits in cold water, then wipe them off. It’s important  to remove all of the avocado meat because the pits will be sitting in water for several weeks, and you wouldn’t want something funky to start growing in it. When tooting the pit, do it pointy side up so that the stem and leaves will sprout out the top, and the root will push its way out the bottom.

Push toothpicks into the side of each pit so that they’re far enough in you can pick the pit up using the toothpick. Now, add 3 more toothpicks, and keep them spaced out evenly. Place each avocado pit over a dish so that the toothpicks are resting on the rim of the dish and the pit is suspended over the center. Then, put water in the dish so that the avocado pit is submerged about halfway. Change out your water every day. Place it on a sunny windowsill.

The key is that your pit needs to be in water at all times until it’s ready to be planted in soil. For the first few weeks, you’re unlikely to notice any changes at all. Have patience. After three or so weeks, the top of the pit should start to split open – in some cases, it can take as long as six weeks.

Once the plant is about seven or eight  inches tall, snip off the top few leaves to encourage more growth. Now, it’s ready to be planted in soil. Fill up 10-inch pot with potting soil, about an inch from the top. Dig a shallow hole in the center, just deep enough so half the pit is covered. Press down firmly on the soil to secure it, and then gently give it a little water. Now, set it in a sunny window, keep it watered and watch it grow.

9. Regrow Ginger

In order to regrow ginger all you need is a piece of sprouting ginger to regrow more. The root that you choose to plant should be plump with tight skin, and not shriveled and old. It should also have a few eye buds on it – if they’re already a little green, all the better. Soak the ginger root in warm water overnight first, in order to prepare it for planting. Now, fill a pot with well-drained potting soil. Place the ginger root with the eye bud pointing upwards in the soil and cover with one to two inches of soil; water thoroughly.

Place your ginger in a spot that doesn’t get too much bright sunlight, but does stay fairly warm.  Ginger doesn’t grow quickly, but in several weeks you’ll begin to see shoots popping out of the soil. It’s ready for harvest about three to four months after growth begins.

10. Regrow Basil

Regrowing basil is so easy, there’s no reason to ever waste your money buying it at the store. Look for a stem that has 6 or more leaves on it. The longer the stem the better. Use scissors to cut the stem from the rest of the bunch. Cut the top leaves or the flowers off and the bottom leaves off right at the point of origin or where it meets the stem. Place it in a jar filled with water, and then watch it grow.

11. Regrow Lemongrass

Lemongrass is great in stir-fries, and it’s really easy to grow too. All you need to do is take the stalks you purchase at the store and put them into a jar with about an inch of water. That’s it. Within two days the roots will sprout. Just remember to change the water.

12. Regrow a Garlic Bulb

Choose the largest bulbs you can find, making sure there are no signs of disease. Separate the garlic head into individual cloves just before planting, and then fill up a container with well-drained soil that’s light and fluffy.  Make a hole using your finger that’s about twice the depth of the clove. Press down very firmly as you fill up the hole with soil and water it well. Keep it watered regularly until it flowers.

13. Regrow Mint

Mint has so many uses, having your own allows you to just pick what you need and is much cheaper than going to the store. Gently strip away all leaf sets on the stem, leaving on a couple of new leaves at the top of the cutting. Place it in a shallow bowl of water, and make sure the water covers both sets of leaf nodes that were previously stripped away. Now, all you do is wait, and ensure the water level is above the leaf nodes and changed out once a week.

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